Welcome to my teaching webpage! During my Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge, I participated in teaching the following courses:
Statistics IB
- Introduction and probability revision
- Estimation, bias and mean squared error
- Sufficiency
- Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)
- Confidence Intervals
- Bayesian estimation
- Simple Hypotheses
- Composite hypotheses
- Tests of goodness-of-fit and independence
- Tests in contingency tables
- Multivariate normal theory
- The linear model
- The normal linear model
- Inference in the normal linear model
- Special cases of the linear model
- Hypothesis testing in the linear model
Principle of Statistics
- Course overview
- Fisher information
- Cramer-Rao bound
- Stochastic convergence
- Central limit theorem
- Consistency of the MLE
- Asymptotic normality of MLE
- Plug-in MLE and Delta method
- Asymptotic inference with MLE
- Introduction to Bayesian statistics
- Between prior and posterior
- Frequentist analysis of Bayesian methods
- Decision theory & Bayesian risk
- Minimax risk and admissibility
- Admissibility in the Gaussian model
- Risk of the James–Stein estimator
- Classification problems
- Multivariate analysis
- Principal component analysis
- Resampling principles & the bootstrap
- Validity of the bootstrap
- Monte Carlo methods
- Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
- Introduction to Nonparametric statistics
Mathematics of Machine Learning
- Review of conditional expectation
- Empirical risk minimisation
- Sub-Gaussianity and Hoeffding’s inequality
- Finite hypothesis classes
- Bounded difference inequality
- Rademacher complexity
- VC dimension
- Convex analysis
- Convex surrogates
- Rademacher complexity revisited
- Gradient descent
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Cross-validation
- Adaboost & Gradient boosting
- Decision trees & Random forests
- Feedforward neural networks